Saturday, June 9, 2007

Facebook Peeping Toms

Through networking with College colleagues many of whom are job-seekers, I was disappointed to learn that some employers search Facebook profiles to screen applicants. To me, this seems like very bad PR!

For years, protocols have been in place to stop employers from asking about ethnic backgrounds, religious views, or sexual preferences, yet all this information and more is available on Facebook. While there are no physical barriers to stop these "Peeping Toms" I think a professional level of ethical standards should.

There are plenty of "personality tests" available to employers, and of course the good old-fashioned method of simply asking people for information about themselves. While "creeping" Facebook may seem like an innovative use of resources, it's more like going through some one's handbag or pockets while they're not looking. Not only is this practice unethical, it's about as effective as grading students on how they perform during recess!

Though I tightened up the privacy settings on my account, I was tempted to put something shocking instead, since I would not want to work for an employer using these tactics anyway.

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